Gone are the days of Rodgers and Hart, Frank Loesser...
and hello, Nick at Nite.
I wish the show well because I don't want to say that tv shows CAN'T be musicals... but it's just interesting... and would ya look at the girl playing Joanie... she's a CLONE!
Ok. I can't help myself...
I can't imagine what it's like to pay money to see a musical and to hear Fonzie sing. It just sort of scares me... ALOT! And the fifties... the most hyped decade of EVER is being watered down to most likely NOT resemble anything of what it actually was.
In the 70's when Grease and this show was on tv, it was the start of retro. And NOW, when you watch a rerun of Happy Days, you are watching the 50's be depicted in the 70's just as in fifteen years when kids watch “That 70's show...” it will be the 70's depicted in the new millenium.
It's confusing. What WERE the fifties anyway? Was it ALL jukeboxes and soda's and poodle skirts? Was it all wholesome and wonderbread and Mousketeers?
The past is so available now, but it can get confusing like a gigantic game of phone tag...
The ACTUAL 1950's... a 1970's tv version of the 1950's and now a MUSICAL of a 1970's version of the 1950's.
And remember all the sayings from that show? “Funny like a crutch...” and the whole be cool thing... did that really happen?
Mom... Dad... help me out here... a mundo.