Why do I have dreams like that?
I created the image to the left to help illustrate such a whimsical dream.
That's what my dreams are. Whimsical.
Kind of like a Dreamsicle! Except they don't taste like orange and they don't melt.
God... maybe I'm dreaming THIS!
Did you ever think that when you are awake, THAT's the dream and when you go to bed you are actually waking UP? Put THAT in your bong and smoke it.
I remember most of my dreams although I find it interesting how when you first wake up, it's crystal clear in your head, but it then can fade away. It makes me think that it truly IS another dimension we go to and if we were ABLE to retain it fully and completely and experience it as complete reality, we would go crazy trying to balance the two dimensions.
I have a handful of dreams though that have stayed with me, crystal clear for my entire life. And I have a series of dreams that repeat themselves... kind of like dream reruns.
I used to have specific dreams when I was sick as a kid. If I had the flu, I would dream about swimming through this vomit colored sandy weird substance trying to get to this perfect little house with flowers in flowerboxes somewhere in the middle of this gunk. And I can remember the uncomfortable feeling of swimming through it, seeing it, tasting it... yuck!
Another dream I had as a kid has stayed with me my whole life. My family was being held hostage and I was trying to get out to try and save us, to run and tell the police. But I was told that to keep us inside, a half man half animal monster was let loose running around our property. I would go to the front door and I could hear it howling and growling out in our barn. So I thought perhaps it was locked in there and I might be able to escape. So, I made a run for it and as I opened the front door, the moment I stepped outside, it was upon me and the last thing I saw was it's scary face snarling at me.
I have had tornado dreams, FLYING dreams which are the best. Those especially are so real and so wonderful. I sort of let go and start floating upwards and then the more I let go, the higher I get and the more in control of flying I become. It's a great feeling. It's having complete control of gravity and not being afraid of falling at all. Just letting go and flying. They are so real that at times I think that it's actually possible. Although as a three year old, after seeing the movie Mary Poppins, my Mom caught me just as I was about the jump off of our deck with an open umbrella in my hand. Saved me from tumbling down to the hard cement ten feet below me. Thanks Mom.
I have met celebrities in my dreams... very random and real, just sitting down and talking with them. Ordinary conversations.
I once had a dream that I saved the girl who played Natalie on “Facts of Life” from becoming a homeless crack addict. I was walking down the Halsted and saw her with some seedy friends and she was certainly going down Lindsay Lohan Avenue. I pulled her aside and lectured her about how she shouldn't let her life go down the skids. And she thanked me, realized that, yes, she should be grateful for the opportunities she had as a child actress and start living more responsibly. Wasn't that nice of me to help her?
And with Jan Brady as the Commander in Chief, I think all childhood stars will have much better lives!