But it chilled me a bit when it happened. Not as bad as the time I actually heard myself tell a girl I liked her “top.” Not the many times I have said, “doggy” and not any of the times I have complained about the stuff those kids call music.
This was at (get this) a Debbie Reynolds concert. Yes. As if that wasn't enough. But I went into the bathroom and after doing my duty, I went over to the sink and gosh oh darn did I have a terrible time getting the faucet to turn on. I pulled at it, twisted it and then it hit me... OMG it's one of those motion sensor faucets. I had always known this before even if they do drive me nuts. Thank god for those bathrooms with four or five sinks because you have to go to each of them until finally after waving your hands frantically you get the thing to work.
I don't know, I just felt old and then as I stepped into the theatre to see Debbie Reynolds... wow.
She was good. Her act totally tailored to a gay crowd (she did an impression of Streisand for godsakes) and the only two “gays” were myself and Jason, sitting in the back row and howling at all of her jokes. But the other folks, the blue hairs were numb to her style, laughing too hard at some sections and crickets chirping at others. Deb seemed a bit peeved, though didn't show it. But I could tell the way she was breezing through the show, it just wasn't her crowd. It may have been her crowd ten years ago but ever since playing Graces mother on “Will and Grace” she was officially adopted (and rightly so) by the gay community. I wish more of us would have known about this.
Hey... Debbie... next time you are in town send a press release to “Gay Chicago Magazine” and “The Windy City Times.” We'll all have a ball and you will too.
I seriously started all the recognition applause. From Abba Dabba Honeymoon to Singing in The Rain clips. Damnit people, it's DEBBIE REYNOLDS.
She's quite adorable. And she had on a nice top.