Happy Birthday to my big sister Karen. Karen is a writer and I keep pestering to do her website. Hopefully soon this will become a reality because she really is good. I remember as a kid, a little sneaky bratty little brother, I LOVED to snoop around her desk. She had this cool corner desk (one of those kind of colonial modular kid bedroom set ups.) And I loved the SMELL. What was it? A mixture of all the projects she worked on, painting little plaster statues, hodge podging pictures onto wooden planks (with the pictures edges burned ofcourse)... and her drawings and notebooks and sketchbooks.
I also loved her handwriting so much that I kind of stole it or adapted it to my own handwriting. Hers is still better.
So happy birthday, here is a whole new year for you to continue pursuing your book writing dreams... and make them a reality. She already has articles written for magazines and such. I will squeeze info out of her and get links posted so all the world can read her work. THAT and a website are MY goals to accomplish for her in this next coming year.