My last entry was entitled, “Frozen.”
It's Monday.
It's in the mid to upper 50's.
It's 7 am.
It's going to be in the 60's this afternoon. What the ...?!!?
Hey, I ain't complain'n!
Jason and I went to the Nature Museum yesterday. It felt like late April and we walked all over Lincoln Park. The museum was our destination. It's a cool museum. We were drawn to the place because we heard that you can go into this solarium and see hundreds of butterflies. Yep, that's exactly what it was. My favorites were the more moth like... had those wings that when spread look like a great horned owl. Amazingly bold blues and reds on some of these other ones and of course the Monarchs too. I was afraid I was going to step on one. I imagined then all of them turning on me. I also thought it was interesting that just because they were “pretty” you didn't freak out as much as if you went into a solarium filled with locusts or June bugs.
I also got to pet a very large snake. They have the softest skin... well rubbing in one direction they do (I know... this is sounding kinky)... but then you rub your hand the other way and it's scaly. (Scaley?) It was a boa constricter. Not a ten foot long one but a four foot long one. There were also giant lizard iguana's that looked like the kind of lizards they would use in one of those 1960's adventure movies like “Journey to the Center of the Earth” where they would set them loose on a miniature set and make you think (with the aid of a few extra plastic scales) that they were dinosaurs. (Never worked).
We couldn't get over how warm it was. I kept thinking how when I was a kid, at this time of year, it would be a winter wonderland and we would be out playing dressed like eskimo's and walking down our frozen creek that now became a path for us to explore. Yesterday... the geese and ducks seemed very confused.