Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a focused and productive new year, the ability to take breaks when needed, the ability and knowledge to refuel ourselves. Get lots of sleep, take naps... communicate with people directly and not just with “ :- )” Take time to make your surroundings nurturing. Balance work with play. Take chances... listen to your gut... really take the moment to listen because it is always telling you what is the right thing to do. Exercise... even if it is just choosing to walk to the store instead of driving to it. Read your favorite books again. Watch your favorite movies again. Read new books and watch new movies and find some NEW favorites. Watch and read THOSE over again. Don't watch as much broadcast television. Commercials are big brother trying to fill your head with crap. Walk away from the commercials if you have to watch tv. See if you can survive with just one favorite show a week. Instead of sitting on your couch watching others on tv doing things... go out and DO them yourself! If you are going to watch tv, be engaged. The minute it starts to get boring or you feel the vegetative state coming on... do something else... read something... write something... get up and run and dance around the room... ANYTHING. Go out more. Find free things to do in your community. Explore your neighborhood. Get to know the people who work in the stores and shops around you. Surprise people with homemade presents. Keep your house clean, sweep with a real old fashioned broom and not some swiffer thingie... sweeping is actually good exercise! Sweep even if there isn't anything TO sweep. Put on music and sweep to the music. Don't wear your shoes in the house. Listen to classical music.