I have been enjoying the ads that showcase various stars as Disney characters. Beyonce as Alice in Wonderland, Scarlett Johansen as Cinderella. But the one that took it over the top for me (happily so) was Rachel Weitz as Snow White. It's absolute perfection.
I have always loved Snow White. I loved the way she looked. I loved her dress. Loved the puffy blue sleeves with the red underneath and the golden skirt. When I was a kid she was one of the most frequent things I would draw. I learned alot about drawing from seeing images from that movie. As a testament to who she is as an actress, Rachel Weitz literally just becomes Snow White without a doubt and all she is doing is just sitting there in a forest glen. The cartoon character image that is seared in our minds becomes reality. I love it. Poofy sleeves and all. In this photo and in the art direction of it, the iconic dress is exact and immediatley informs us as to who it is. But what you really see is her face taking all that is happening around her and just making it magical. Not so easy a task.
Speaking of cartoon characters becoming reality, we saw “Enchanted” yesterday afternoon. Amy Adams and the rest of the cast are perfect as well. It reminded me of the kind of cast we've seen in “Wizard of Oz,” “Mary Poppins,” etc. I don't think anyone else could have played this part more convincingly without it turning into a parody. The minute it edges towards parody, Amy Adams surprises by making the most ridiculous moments absolutely believable. The little girl was great as well. The look in her eyes as she watches Amy throughout the movie is priceless. I loved the scene where she cleans up Patrick Dempsey's apartment. She opens the window and musically calls out to all her New York animal friends to help her. Rats, flies, cockroaches and Pigeons all come to her aid. The lyrics to the song were hysterical as well.