Monday, November 19, 2007

More Phone “fun”

So, the lady in India said to me, “go... go my child to your local T-Mobile store for I can no longer do anything to help you.”
“You mean, I have to go to a real live store and face real live people? But this is why I have a cel phone in the first place. Don't ruin the fun for me.”
“No, no my child, run like the wind in your city of wind to the T-Mobile on the street you call State, kitty corner from the department store once called Marshall Fields...”

“mmm k”

So I went.
I went on my way to work. But I did, indeed have to go out of my way. (uh-oh)
So, seriously, I went in there, waited in the longish line, and when I got to a sales rep consultant engineer trainee peep, SHE TOLD ME TO GO CALL THE T-MOBLE TECHNICIAN ON THE PHONE!!!!!!!
I didn't need to come to a real live store. And they wouldn't or couldn't help me directly.
I had to call someone on the phone. And then she dialed the wrong number and I had to talk to someone who was pissed off because he keeps getting calls from people looking for T-Mobile.

I told the sales rep consultant engineer trainee peep that the lady from India told me I had to come to a real live store.
“Yeah...” Ms. T said with a bit of sass... “she don't know what she's talkin' bout.”

I was mad.

T-Mobile is creepy.
It all ended good. I came out better on the other side. A charming gentlemen named Aaron saved the day.

I have never had an experience of loathing something and loving something at the same time.
My pretty little shiny piece of @#$%. That makes me go out of my way!

I have to work on my negative feelings toward my phone.
I need to smudge it.