I had made the mistake months ago during the cat food recall drama. We started feeding them wet food. The two girl cats could care less. In fact, they would sniff it and then walk away. The boys however, got that junkie look in their eyes and went bananas.
Parker will eat anything but Sam is the picky one. Even though he goes nutso with the canned food, he does manage to squeeze a finicky edge into his craving. He doesn't like the select cuts or the shredded wet he likes the dinners, the pate style cat food. So I not really knowing what I was getting myself in for, started feeding it to them first thing in the morning. At that time, I was getting up very early, 5:30 or 6. And so unbeknownst to me, THAT became the official CAT time to eat the wet food... the kitty crack.
So now, for months the boys have been getting me up early in the morning. Not Jason, ME, the server of the wet food and pretty much at the exact same time. I don't know how they do this. It's Sam's doing really. Parker just watches. But that cat gets me up at EXACTLY 6:10 am every single freakin' morning! We go through the routine. Sam meows directly in my right ear as Parker wanders about the dressers knocking things onto the floor.
It's not so bad actually, I mean, it saves me from having to set an alarm and 6:10 for me is a pretty good time to get up. But some times, I stay up later and then we have the weekend to consider. Sam doesn't know what the weekend is and on Saturday morning there he is belting out “Memory” into my ear while Parker practices his carefully choreographed vaudeville act. I hear it... stuff sliding across the dresser and then klunk onto the floor. And we are talking everything and EVERYTHING. He would knock the tv on to the floor. In fact, he's tried.
So, things needed to change. I talked with my friend Abby who is the owner of Felines Inc. and she suggested serving them the wet cat food at 6:10 in the evening. So I did it. Just last night. And so now, here it was, 6 in the morning. I naturally wake up now at that time. I looked at the clock. Six it was. And nothing. No stirring. Quiet. I watched it go from 6:05 to 6:08 to 6:09 and then just as it switched to 6:10, no kidding, Sam, who had been sleeping at the foot of the bed. GETS UP and walks over to me and meows in my ear.
Which brings me to ask, “how he do dat?”
His official NEW nickname is Timex.